Lecturer in Social Entrepreneurship at The University of the West Indies, Five Islands Campus. He coordinates the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Unit in the School of Business and Management. He is also a Director in the Centre for Entrepreneurship Thinking and Practice (formerly the Office of Social Entrepreneurship), The UWI Mona Campus, where he assists with the strategic direction, operational and research components of the centre’s work.
Research Interests
- Social and Solidarity Economy
- Entrepreneurship
- Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Corporate Philanthropy
- Community and Youth Development
- Entrepreneurship Education.
Teaching Areas
- MGMT2224 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship
- MGMT3089 – Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development
- MGMT3058 – New Venture Management
- MGMT3091 – Creativity and Innovation Management for Entrepreneurship
- MGMT3090 – Entrepreneurial Finance
- MGMT2026 – Production and Operations Management
- MGMT3061 – Team Building and Management
Book Chapters
- K’nIfe, K’adamawe, Edward Dixon and Michael Marshall. Social Economy in a Jamaican Perspective in The Black Social Economy in the Americas: Exploring Diverse Community-based Markets’. Editor Caroline Shenaz-Hossein, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
- K’nIfe K’adamawe, Edward Dixon and Allan Bernard 2015. Social Enterprise and Rastafari ‘Livety’: Pinnacle as a Successful Social Enterprise in ‘Leonard P Howell and the Genesis of Rastafari’. Editors Clinton Hutton et.al, The University of the West Indies Press. 2015.
- K’nIfe, K’adamawe, Andre Haughton and Edward Dixon 2014. Measuring sustainability and effectiveness of Social Value creation by Social Sector Actors/Social Enterprises, within developing countries. (Allied Executive Journal; Allied Academy, Academy of Entrepreneurship 2014)
- KnIfe, K’adamawe, Allan Bernard and Edward Dixon. 2011. Marcus Garvey the Entrepreneur? Insights for Stimulating Entrepreneurship in Developing Nations. The Journal of Liberty Hall: The Legacy of Marcus Garvey, 76 King Street Vol. 2, 37 – 59, 2011.
Forthcoming Publications
- Charities from the Margins – Grassroots Philanthropic Practices in the Creative and Cultural Industries in Jamaica - Edward Dixon and Richard Hull – Voluntary Sector Review
Conference Presentations
- “Applying Weighted Indices in Sustainable Funding Decisions Among Stakeholders within the Social Economy- The Case of Jamaica” - The International Society for Third Sector Research 13th International Conference, Vrij Universteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 10-13, 2018.
- “Charities from Below: Cases of Philanthropic Action in the Creative and Cultural Industries in Jamaica” – Grassroots to Global Conference – Coventry University, United Kingdom, May 18, 2018.
- “ANTi-culture?: Using Actor-network Theory as a lens to understand the cultural sector’s role in social development”. – Development Studies Association Conference, University of Bradford, United Kingdom, Sept. 6-8, 2017.
- “Social Bricolage in the ‘Charity Sector’- Case Study of resource generation by Charitable Foundations in the Jamaican Music Industry’ – Goldsmiths Graduate Festival, Goldsmiths University of London, United Kingdom – May 10-13, 2016.
Current Projects
- Scoping New Forms of Audience Interpretation of Transatlantic Slavery at Heritage Sites through Engaging Community Groups and Creative Arts in Jamaica – (2021) commissioned by the University of Liverpool and University of Leicester.