Head, School of Business and Management
Welcome to the School of Business and Management!
We are embarking on academic year 2022/2023 with excitement, enthusiasm, and cautious optimism for an emerging reality tempered by the lingering impact of the coronavirus pandemic on our economies, the operations of the University of the West Indies (UWI), the Five Islands Campus (FIC), and our interaction with students.
As a beginning or returning student, your enrolment in the School of Business and Management is one of the more important stages in your lives. We remain strong in our conviction that especially in these uncertain times, the School of Business and Management has the crucial responsibility to help you acquire knowledge and develop skills and competences to take advantages of emerging opportunities in a volatile world. Your ability to be flexible, adapt to changing conditions will be essential in creating solutions to mankind’s most urgent challenges especially those that directly threaten our region’s prosperity.
For academic year 2022/2023, the School of Business and Management will introduce a full Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Hospitality and Tourism Management to our undergraduate offerings. This is a significant addition to the School’s portfolio and testament to our commitment to support regional economic development through education and partnership with enterprises in key industries in Antigua and Barbuda and the OECS.
I encourage you to apply your talents as you gain knowledge, develop new competences, and expand your social network. Participate in the Guild of Student and other extra-curricular activities, build relationships with your fellow students and explore the many opportunities the UWI provide to build your social capital. It will be worth the time spent.
Thank you for choosing the School of Business and Management at the Five Islands Campus to pursue your studies. Together, let us make this a most rewarding and enriching year.
A degree from the School of Business and Management opens up a wide range of career paths in diverse industries.